АРКО | Дата: Пятница, 13.02.2015, 13:03 | Сообщение # 1 |
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| Союз Кинологов Казахстана
Центр Кинологии и Фелинологии «АРКО и К»
10 мая 2015
Национальная Выставка собак «Астана - 2015»
Регистрация до 1 мая 2015
Vija Klucniece (Латвия)
Аbout me: My biggest dream in the childhood was – to become an owner of a dog. In 1967. I had my first white Giant Spitz Chico, who left me at the age of 15. Since 1981. I bred Klein Spitzes, uptill now in some pedegrees of our dogs I can find the rootes from my black bitch Wensy. But my love is Chow Chow. This breed was not in performed USSR and when I got my black male from Poland in 1988. it was the first imported Chow Chow in Latvia. At present I have Chow Chow black bitch and black American Cocker. From 1982 till 1990. I was the president of Toy Breeds Club, from 1996. I had been elected as the president of Latvian Cynology Federation. I judged in Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Sweden, Finland, France, Luxembourg, Belaruss, Russia, Hungary, Norway, Poland, Slovenia and everywhere I found beautifull dogs and exellent breeders. Fluent in Latvian, Russia, English, could understand Polish, Czech and German.

Наталья Масалевичене

Регистрация только на основании ксерокопий документов FCI .
Наш адрес:
г.Астана, ул. Иманова 4 (магазин Четыре Лапы)
8 (7172) 219-711
вторник, четверг, суббота с 10.00 до 14.00
e-mail: evgeniy-17@yandex.ru Зарегистрироваться можно через ОНЛАЙН ЗАЯВКУ на нашем сайте www.arko.kz
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